
The best practice in corporate social responsibility is the best practice in corporate governance

Corporate governance, from the stakeholders’ viewpoint, requires companies to listen to their environment and make commitments to respond to socio-economic changes and to the expectations demanded by society


Rebeca Grynspan, Ibero-American Secretary General

BBVA Microfinance Foundation has had much success in developing microfinance: it has fostered the formalisation of the sector; has committed itself to good corporate governance; and has tried to harness the latest technology and telecommunications and the digital economy to make it easier to reach customers

Microfinance, Inclusion and Development



Inclusion and Development

Inclusion and Development


About us

A digital review of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation Group (BBVAMF), focused on the activity of the BBVAMF and its microfinance institutions, including an overview of the most important microfinance, corporate governance and CSR regulations, with current contents relevant to the sector

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